Special event stations celebrating the centenary

There will be four stations active to celebrate the centenary of the 1924 event.

The G2SZ station operated from Mill Hill School will be looking to make as many contacts as possible with stations all around the world, and at the same time we want to give pupils at the School the opportunity to take the microphone and pass greeting messages. CW is often a great fascination to visitors at an event like this, and to youngsters in particular, who seem fascinated by the ability to send messages using a code.

ZL4AA will be active from 12th to 20th October from the opriginal location in Shag Valley, South Island, New Zealand  


GB2NZ will be operated from a number of locations around the UK from 29th September to 26 October 2024. 

Similarly, ZM100DX will be active 29th September to 26th December from various locations in New Zealand.

The Goyder-Bell award is available to stations who make contacts with the stations celebrating the centenary. For details click here.

All QSL requests via OQRS to MØOXO